A Dog Is For Life Not Just For Christmas

Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay 

Dogs are great; they are cute, they are fun, they love you no matter what, they always make you feel wanted, and they provide you with endless entertainment. There will likely be more people than ever before planning to get a dog this Christmas as so many people have spent more time at home this year and will still have some element of this next year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so they feel they have the time to dedicate to training a puppy or getting a rescue dog settled. However, you do need to remember that a dog is for life and not just for Christmas, so here are a few tips and considerations if this is what you’re thinking for this year’s family present. 

When is the best time to introduce your new addition? 
It might seem like the ideal Christmas morning to have a puppy waiting under the tree with a ribbon around it, but in reality, you should introduce a dog to its new family in a quieter period as the visitors, the excitement, the decorations, and lights can hurt your new dog. You must have the time to spend with them one-on-one to get them settled. If you are set on getting a pup over the Christmas period, then try to keep it as calm as possible for them, and there are plenty of great products from Pet-Ness which will help you to keep them calm and relaxed.

Remember, it’s a big responsibility. 
Not every dog fits with every family, so it’s important to choose the right one for your lifestyle. And remember that if your lifestyle has been different because of lockdown, this won’t last forever. While this may be the perfect time to get a dog settled with the kids off school and you at home all the time, you need to think about what happens when things go back to normal. Will, the dog be left at home all day alone? Will you have time for a dog then? They will still need walks and attention, and you’ll have to help them adjust to things changing as they won’t understand what’s going on.  Do some research to see which breed and temperament will best fit with your family and make sure you have considered all the pros and cons. 

A dog will change your life, and so if you want to get one, then it doesn’t matter when you get it because it’s not just for Christmas. So, think about it carefully and do it right, take your time, do your research, and you could always consider adopting a rescue pup who is in dire need of a home. This might mean you get an older dog who doesn’t need training or one who has had a bad experience and will take a while to trust you but a good rescue center will help you find one that is the perfect family pet. Just make sure that your Christmas present doesn’t end up being one of these. 

Remembering Vinny, Our Sweet And Gentle Tri-Collie

Hello Beautiful People,

Our Vinny (Vincenzo Adonis ‘Tiny Tuxedo’) crossed the rainbow bridge on September 5th and went to be with the Lord.

Vinny is a big bundle of love and we miss him terribly. He came into the family thirteen years ago. I remember my hubby and I first picked him on a farm in northern Illinois. We put him in the back of our Jeep Cherokee. He looked at us saying, “I’m ready to go home now.” His breeder nicknamed him Tiny Tuxedo because he looked like he had on a tuxedo so we kept that name.

Vinny as a puppy! This is the first photo that we saw of Vinny and we were in love!

When I write about him, it is not in the past tense because he lives forever in our hearts. If you are not an animal lover, you may not understand and that is okay. Let me explain to you that animal advocates think of their pets as a part of the family and they are their fur babies.

Vinny gave unconditional love and it hurts that he is not here physically. I continually keep pushing forward in my mind the loving memories.

Vinny loved to hug on you and give you a kiss on the cheek.
He would cuddle up with you and thump his tail when you would say sweet words to him.
He would herd you so you rub is tummy or to get a treat.
He loved to play in the backyard and catch sticks.

He loved his big brother Gio and would follow him everywhere in the house. Even though Gio was half of his size, Vinny would try to go under the kitchen table just like Gio. He didn’t understand why he wouldn’t fit. Then later, he loved being the big brother to Seppe and teaching him how to play together. Even though Seppe would pounce on him and bite on his tail, Vinny loved every bit of it.

Vinny loved playing in the snow! The more snow, the better.

Vinny didn’t like thunderstorms. He could sense when rain was coming even if it was hours away. Sometimes his teeth would chatter and he would pace throughout the house until it was over. To calm him down, we would pet him and talk to him to let him know that everything is okay. He would be so nervous that he bruised his tooth by jumping into the bathtub when he was a puppy. Later on, he chewed my shoeboxes or even pulled my clothes out of the closet in an attempt to find a calm place. He’s a sensitive soul.

Vinny always looked so handsome

When we would leave for work or church, Vinny would push the blinds out of the way so he could look out the window to see us off. Then as we returned back home, he would look out the window and start barking at us. Then as we opened up the back door or if we came in through the front door, he would be right there to meet us, wagging his tail at us. It is one of our dearest memories of him.

We often joked that he is a pretty boy because so many people would say how beautiful he was. He is handsome! But he didn’t know it! He was always so humble. However, grooming him to keep him so handsome was a challenge because he didn’t like it. He would huff and puff and try to get away you when were combing him. He has so much hair and it needed constant upkeep, but if he had his way he would not do it at all.

The hair after combing Vinny.

There are so many stories of Vinny that we could share because we had thirteen wonderful years with him. He lived a full life and our hearts are aching not having him with us in the natural. We know that his spirit will live on in us forever.


Should You Get Pet Fish?

Pixabay. CCO Licensed.

Fish make great therapeutic pets. They are often seen as ‘low-maintenance’ pets. Compared to other animals, they may not need as much attention, however, keeping fish still requires a certain level of responsibility.

Tank or Pond?
Tanks are great for keeping fish indoors. They’re also a great option for keeping saltwater fish. It’s best to avoid ‘starter kits’ (they tend to be fairly low quality) and classic fish bowls (fish ideally need more space). It’s recommended that you buy the tank first so that you can set it up.

Ponds are a great feature for those that have a backyard. Ponds tend to offer a more natural habitat, but you are limited as to what kinds of fish you can keep in a pond. It’s important that the pond is large enough (ideally 2ft deep). This pond building guide at Pondkeeper offers useful information on building a pond.

Another option that would be worth thinking about is getting an aquarium. And while many aquarium service providers can help you get an aquarium set up, you would have to think about the practicalities of having a space with a lot of fish. It’s a delicate balance to get right, but the tranquility you would experience with an aquarium in or outside your home would be worth it. 

Choosing Your Fish
There are many different types of fish to choose from. Some of the most popular options include goldfish, guppies, mollies, catfish, swordtails, angelfish, and bettas. More unusual fish are likely to be higher maintenance. It’s worth always researching into the species of fish before buying.

You should always buy from a reputable seller. Check that fish are kept in good condition, that the water is clean and that there are no dead fish floating in the tank (this is a sure sign that they aren’t a good seller).

Top 5 Reasons Fish Die
No fish owner wants dead fish. There are a few common reasons as to why fish die:

The water is too dirty
Tanks and ponds need to be cleaned out regularly, otherwise the water becomes infested with bacteria. Your tank or pond is likely to get dirtier faster if it’s too small or if you’re overfeeding your fish (too much uneaten food or fish poop will create excess bacteria in the water).

The water is too clean
A common mistake that new fish owners make is putting fish into pristine clean water or emptying out all the water while cleaning the tank/pond. The water needs some bacteria in it for fish to be happy.

You’re not keeping the water oxygenated
Water needs to be constantly filtered to keep it oxygenated – most fish cannot live in still water. If you’re buying a tank, make sure that it has a decent filtration system. If you’re keeping fish in a pond, make sure that it contains a good quality pump such as a Tsurumi submersible pump to help cycle water. A fountain is often not enough to keep water oxygenated.

The water is the wrong temperature
If water gets too hot or too cold, fish may die. This is particularly important when keeping tropical fish in a tank. Pond fish tend to be pretty resilient to temperature changes – if your pond is deep enough they can usually go to the bottom when the surface gets too hot or cold.

Your fish don’t get along
Certain breeds of fish cannot be kept together – they will fight! This is something to also look into if you’re thinking of keeping different species.

Watching Your Dog’s Diet

Is your dog eating correctly? If you want to raise a healthy hound, it could be essential that you get their diet right. Here are just a few tips to ensure that your dog is eating healthily.

Consider the age and breed of your dog
A dog’s nutritional requirements can depend very much on the age and breed of the dog.

For instance, puppies tend to require very different nutrients to older dogs to help with growth. For this reason, they may need specially formulated puppy food – adult dog food could be bad for their stomach.

When it comes to breeds, certain types tend to eat more than others. On the whole, more physically active breeds need to eat more – a border collie, for instance, needs to eat a lot more than a basset hound (providing that you’re also giving them the amount of exercise they need). Smaller dogs also require more calories per meal than larger dogs due to having a faster metabolism. As a result, certain brands of dog food may be better suited.

It’s worth talking to a vet about the individual nutritional needs of your dog. If you’re buying a puppy from a breeder, they may also be able to offer a nutritional plan.

Opt for healthy dog food brands
Some dog food brands are packed with unnecessary additives and fillers. It’s important to avoid these brands as they tend to offer little nutritional value (they’re often engineered simply to taste good).

By doing your research, you can discover natural types of dog food. These are likely to have a much better nutritional value. Ideally, a healthy dog food brand should contain over 25% protein and at least 10% fat.

Don’t let your dog eat all the leftovers
You should be careful of feeding scraps to your dogs. While dogs can eat many human foods, too much of this type of food could be bad for your dog’s gut. Foods with high levels of sugar and salt could be particularly bad.

It is, therefore, best to save these types of food as a treat. Just like humans, dogs can get addicted to junk foods if you feed them to them too regularly and may even go off dog food.

Be wary of these toxic foods
There are some foods that can be toxic to dogs. These include:
– Chocolate
– Coffee
– Grapes/raisins
– Avocados
– Onions

Never feed your dog any of these foods – it could be fatal in some cases. Always exercise caution when eating these types of food and ring a vet if you think your dog has consumed these foods (a small amount of chocolate may not be an issue, but a single grape could be cause for concern – it’s worth understanding the toxicity of each of these foods).

Responsible Dog Ownership

Before you buy a dog, there are a few decisions that you can ponder over for a while. When you get a pet, you are looking to improve your life and provide them with a great one. There are a few things that you can do to ensure that both you and your new buddy have a great time.

It is really important that you choose a dog that fits your lifestyle and home. If you are desiring after a giant mastiff but only have the room for a Jack Russell, you are doing both you and your dog a disservice if you still go for the bigger breed. Different breeds are also known for different traits and personalities. Choose a pooch that meets your life in the right way.

Long Walks
While you need to walk your dog every day, maybe even twice a day if the dog is an active breed. But a couple of times a week you should go for a longer walk, and somewhere that your dog can run freely or with an extendable lead. Unless your dog is a real lazybones, you need to let them work off their energy. Not only is excellent for the but it is great for you too.

No one is expecting you to be a puppy mind reader, but you should learn to be more understanding of your dog’s behaviour. While a person can tell you what is wrong, your dog can’t. They have to learn about you, your home and your routine. As well as work out where they fit in, in the world. Pick up some dog books and study them, you might be surprised by what you learn.

You need to choose the best pet doctor you can. Almost all the vets are great. But some are just beyond what you expect. They have a way with animals that is special, and your dog will thank you for having someone who is kind, caring and has an affinity with animals.

Much like humans, one of the most important things you can do is just spend time with your dog. They don’t care too much about what you are doing. Watching movies, studying or even just sitting quietly. They will happily sit silently by your side for hours. So make sure that you spend those all-important hours with them.

Although your dog is probably going to want to be as close to you as possible at all times, they will still need an area that is just for them. Giving them somewhere that they can retreat to is something you will want to do. Knowing they have space just for them is a life-affirming thing. Plus, it’s nice for them to have a bed to nap in when you are out.

Responsible dog ownership is not just about picking up the poop after a walk, it is about doing what is best for your dog at all times.

Training Your Pup At An Early Age

Getting a puppy is an exciting time. Pups are a bundle of energy and fun and can bring a lot of joy to your life. But to make sure you keep enjoying time with your pet as they get older, you’re going to need to train them. You can start training your puppy at a young age to help them learn the basics, as well as make it easier to take them out and interact with other pets and people.

There are a few tips to help you make quick progress with your puppy. Read on to get help with training your pup at an early age.

Start with the basics
It’s never too early to start training your puppy. In fact, the sooner you start, the easier it will be when it comes to taking them out and getting them used to their new home. You should start with some basic training to help them adjust to their new environment and help make things easier for you too. Some of the first things you should teach your puppy include potty training, teaching them to sit and to stop behaviors such as nipping or guarding. Once they’ve mastered these, you can move onto walking to heel and other behaviors that will need more time to master.

Train regularly and consistently
Training should be a regular activity that you enjoy with your pup. A little bit of training each day will help them progress quickly and can be a fun way for the two of you to bond and spend time together. Set aside sometime each day to try new commands and tricks, while also going through things they’ve previously learned. This will help to keep your dog challenged and stop them from getting bored.

Bring in the professionals
If you want to train your dog quickly, and under a watchful eye, then you might want to think about going through the professional route. There are kennel and dog training classes that can help your puppy to learn quickly and can help them learn to socialize with other people and dogs. It isn’t always the cheapest option, but you’ll learn a lot about how to handle your pup – which is great for first-time dog owners too!

Learn through play
Training doesn’t have to be all about command and reward, you can help to train your dog through play too! There are some excellent backyard games to play with your dog that can help them teach different actions, like how to fetch, let go and so on. Being outside will give your dog a lot of room to play and run around, so can be a good workout for you both too!

While puppies might have a lot of energy and can run riot at times, they’re also quite easy to train at a young age, which will help them become great pets as they get older. Training is a fantastic way for you and your puppy to bond, and you can guarantee that neither of you will get bored! Start looking at the ways you can train your puppy and start making some progress today!

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