Unshakable Moxie Bible Study (Review and Giveaway)

Hi Beautiful People,

Are you hearing more people mentioning fear, negativity, and emotional stress?

 If so, how can we rise above the fear and anxiety? Moxie!

What does a “woman of moxie” look like? She is a dynamic, resolute woman of resilient faithfulness, unshakable confidence, and trust in God.

I recently had the opportunity to review The Unshakable Moxie Study Pack, which includes a 6-lesson Bible Study (with QR codes to the 6 video episodes), a beautiful hardcover Prayer Journal, and inspirational
cards that share Scripture and powerful quotes from the series. Each item can also be purchased separately.

Unshakable Moxie is hosted by Toni Collier (Broken Crayons Still Color) and Moriah Smallbone (The Chosen). This powerful Bible study and 6-episode video series from Our Daily Bread Ministries explores tough topics, including forgiveness, disillusionment, and hardship. When answers don’t come easy, these resources press in deeply to see what Scripture reveals to encourage women to grow in their faith amid challenging circumstances. Lina AbuJamra, who shares her heart in this Bible study, is a woman of moxie who draws inspiration from her life experiences and teaches women how to build their own resilient faith. Each chapter contains a QR code linking to the Unshakable Moxie video series, where hosts Moriah Smallbone and Toni Collier take you on faith journeys with special guests, including Joni Eareckson Tada, Ruth Chou Simons, and more.

The series goes deep and makes you look inside and at your life without false impressions or interpretations.

Watch the complete six-part series now by clicking HERE! Order your copy today by clicking THIS LINK.

Giveaway Details
In conjunction with the recent release of the new bible study, we offer our readers a chance to win a copy of the Unshakable Moxie Study Pack and a $20 Amazon Gift Card. Participants must do the following: 

Follow Our Daily Bread Ministries and God Hears Her on Facebook or Instagram.
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— Repost/Share this post with the hashtag “unshakablemoxie”.
— For a bonus entry, subscribe to God Hears Her emails.
— For a bonus entry, tag a female friend who lives life with “unshakable moxie.”

Once you have completed each of the requirements for the giveaway, leave a comment below, saying DONE! And let us know if you completed the bonus entries

The giveaway runs until Tuesday, July 29, 2024, at 11:59 pm, and the winner will be announced on Wednesday, July 30, 2024.

The giveaway is limited to United States residents. The winner’s full name and mailing address will be submitted to our marketing team, who will send their gift package at a later date. Our team will email you to receive your full name and mailing address.

Many thanks to Our Daily Bread Ministries for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.

Something To Stand For (Movie Review and Giveaway)

Hello, Elegant Ones!

It’s hard to imagine that the summer is in full swing. It’s been extremely hot in most of the country, yet snowing in other parts. I pray that you are staying safe wherever you are in the world.

During the summer, we celebrate three holidays that honor American freedom: Memorial Day, Juneteenth, and Independence Day. Freedom is the foundation of our country and was achieved and maintained by Americans who accomplished extraordinary things in the face of adversity.

Something To Stand For is a new film by one of America’s favorite storytellers, Mike Rowe, who examines that freedom thanks to everyday heroes. Join Rowe as he takes an epic journey to the heart of Washington, DC. Drawing from his popular podcast “The Way I Heard It,” you will step on the frontlines of the American Revolution, World War II, the Civil Rights movement, and more.

Something To Stand For explores the stories of American heroes who risked everything to build this great country. Some of the heroes are ones that you know about. However, the stories that Rowe shares about them are probably ones you have not heard of before. The stories will make you proud of America and give you something to stand for. Please note that the story of one prominent figure involves bulls becoming steers. That’s all I will say. However, no animals were harmed while making this movie.

Watch the official trailer here:

“Mike Rowe is a great American, and in his new film Something To Stand For, in a totally surprising and entertaining way, he shares the stories of many great Americans whose lives have affected us all in profound and positive ways. I loved this film and encourage everyone to see it. Our country needs it. Thank you, Mike!” 

– Gary Sinise, Actor and founder of the Gary Sinise Foundation

Something To Stand For debuts in theaters on June 27th. Be sure to get your tickets now. Celebrate your freedom by honoring the people who helped earn that freedom for you.

In conjunction with the release of Something To Stand For, we are offering our readers an opportunity to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card.

To enter the giveaway, please comment below on an American hero that you admire. One comment will be selected randomly, and that person will receive the gift card.

The giveaway runs until Thursday, July 4, 2024, at 11:59 pm, and the winner will be announced on Friday, July 5, 2024.

The giveaway is limited to United States residents. We will submit the winner’s email address to our marketing team, who will send the gift card at a later date.

Many thanks to the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) for allowing us to preview Mike Rowe’s new movie and offering this giveaway. Our opinions of the movie are 100% our own.

The Chosen Season 4 (Giveaway Winner Announcement)

Hello, Elegant Ones

I pray that all is well with you!

The popularity of The Chosen continues to make news as the Season Four Episodes 1-3 is the second highest-grossing movie for this month.

This groundbreaking drama series examines the life of Jesus and offers an intimate look at Him as all-God and all-human. When you watch the series, you see Jesus laughing, crying, and joking while healing, preaching, and fulfilling God’s will for His life.

The Chosen is one of the most-watched shows in the world, with more than 770 million views. The series is available to stream on Peacock, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and The Chosen app. The first three seasons will soon be translated into 50 languages, with plans to subtitle more than 600.

The remaining five episodes debut in theatres later in February. Click HERE for ticket information and locations.

Giveaway Winner
In conjunction with The Chosen coming to the big screen, we offered our readers a giveaway. Congratulations to our winner, Tami V. Tami, who will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card! Yeah, Tami!

Be on the lookout for our next movie review and giveaway!

Many thanks to Come and See Foundation, Inc. for allowing us to preview The Chosen, write the review, and offer the giveaway to our readers. All opinions are 100% my own.

Gardening 101

Hello, Beautiful People

Blessings to you!

I have been working on not complaining and looking inward during this time. I know that I am looking at myself differently. May is my birthday month. This year it has not been so much about getting things but spending time in reflection. Looking at what really matters and what is important to me.

On the day of my birthday, my hubby and I ventured out to Home Depot and purchased flowers and vegetables for our backyard. After not going out to many places, it felt good and was invigorating to get outside and planting our annual garden.

The lemon balm and zinnias that we planted last year came back, even though they are annuals and were not suppose to make through the winter. You do not need a large space to plant some of your favorite foliage or vegetables. My hubby and I have a nice size backyard, but our friend from church that has acres. You can take any size yard and make it work for you. For me, I find peace when I am working with my flowers and picking the home-grown vegetables. If you notice I have on gloves not only to keep the dirt out of my nails but just in case I have to move a worm to another part of the garden or yard.

If you are a new Gardner you may want to start out with hardy flowers like marigolds or zinnias. Tomatoes or bell peppers are also good to plant with your flowers or in pots. Bees are attracted to the colors and will pollinate both flowers and vegetables. Whatever flowers or vegetables you decide to plant, make sure after you plant them you water them when they are growing. I use a good organic fertilizer once a month to give that extra boost in growth.

Please let me know what plants bring a smile to your face?

Happy gardening!


Life Lessons From The Garden: Finding Your Quiet Place

Hello Wonderful People!

Have you ever noticed that the world is so noisy today? Everywhere we turn, we are faced with fake news stories, television reality shows, and viral social media videos. The list goes on and on (and on). With so much happening, it is hard to get rid of the noise. Televisions are constantly on, smart phones are at the ready and the people around you are always saying something. Have you also noticed that most of the time what we are hearing is not positive and it does us no good?

With so much going on at one time, it is important that you find that quiet place where you can have some time devoted just to you and what is important to you. It could be time spent with your spouse talking about your relationship. We need that quiet time with the Lord each an everyday. Or it could be time thinking about self-improvement. Whatever you do in your quiet time, it is important that you make the time for it. For my wife and me, we believe that it is important that we turn off the television, the computer and the smart phones about an hour before going to bed. This is time when we talk, read or listen to the Bible. This is something that we try to do each night and are working on making that happen.

Finding Your Quiet Place

Ironically, for me the place where I find the quietest place is in the yard while I am cutting the grass. Oddly enough, the roar of the lawnmower’s engine drowns out the world’s distractions and I can focus my attention on me. I am talking to God about what is going on, mediating on decisions that I have to make or thinking about how I can make adjustments to my life to improve my life. For that hour when I am cutting the grass, the outside world is a million miles away and I am at peace.

The Quiet Place

Where is your quiet place? Do you even have one? What do you do when you there? Let me know in the comments section below.

Life Lessons From The Garden: Find What Brings You Joy

Hello Wonderful People!

I hope you having an awesome day!
Summertime is in full force with temperatures soaring into the mid-90s this weekend. Coupled with high humidity levels and it definitely is a good idea to be inside where it is cool. While my hubby and I have been staying inside whenever possible, we have also been heading outside to take care of our backyard tranquility. Owning your house means it’s good to keep the grass cut, the trees trimmed and we like to plant flowers. In the last couple of weeks while working outside, we have learned several valuable lessons. Not just about yard work and gardening; but about life in general. We wanted to share with you what we have learned about life, through our time working in the garden. We call it Life Lessons From The Garden. This is the first in those series of articles.

Flowers from the Garden / Photos by JTwisdom

I know what you are thinking. Why would I be working in the garden when it’s so hot and humid?
Ever since I was a little girl, I have spent many hours outside with my daddy, and now my hubby, taking care of our yard and the flowers. My mother would often have me outside trimming weeds, watering the plants or doing whatever she thought needed to be done. Through the years, what began as a chore has now blossomed into one of my passions, and brings me some of my greatest joys. I have grown to enjoy the time outside and I can truly say that it brings me peace. After a long day or week and needing some time to unwind and destress, I head outside to see what needs to be done. It lowers the blood pressure and the stress just melts away. Spending hours planting, watering, weeding and tending to the garden, and then seeing that flower show off its vibrant color or aromatic scent, the joy just builds up inside of me. I take breaks and drink plenty of water; but I still sweat. Coming inside to eat some delicious watermelon is always nice.

Getting my hands dirty in the garden.

The first lesson learned from our time in the garden — Find What Brings You Fun times.
For me, my number one Joy is Jesus, my LORD and SAVIOR! I can’t put anything before him, He makes it possible for me to enjoy my everyday life.
God gave me this passion for gardening.
It’s a lot of fun going to the gardening center with the hubby to purchase the flowers and plants.
For me, fun is deciding how to arrange them in the yard for the greatest display of color.
For me, fun is making sure to water, to weed an to manicure each day.
For me, fun is cutting a flower and bringing it in our home.
For me, fun is the flower’s aroma tickling my nose each time I get close it.

For you, what brings your fun times?
Maybe it is a walk in the park with your dog.
Maybe it is spending time with your family.
May it is reading a good book with a hot cup of tea.

It does not matter what it is. Once you experience that joy, you know you will want to keep it going. Take the time to find out where your joy comes from and be sure to do it as often as possible. When you have more joy in your heart, you become a happier person and being a happier person means you can enjoy more of what life has to offer.

Check back for more lessons learned from the garden. Until then, happy gardening! And be Joyful!

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