It’s all about me or is it?

The topic from Katy Rose Friend Friday is Blogger Self Promotion.  She said the topic became fully formed  when she read a post on Dressful ( fashion-blogs-and-self-promotion-how-much-is-too-much) about blogger self promotion.  So I’m going to put the pedal to the metal and answer these questions.

1. How do you promote your blog?
I promote my blog via Youtube, blogfrog, bloglovin, IFB, network blogs via facebook,twitter and just recently Blog catalog.

2. In your experience what has been the most effective form of self promotion?
I think having my new post(s) go to blogfrog every time has been good. I have not been on blogfrog long but I have seen it being most effective.  Second form of promotion that been most effective is IFB.  Joining IFB and getting involved in the communities has been great also.

I really am very new to “promoting” so I’m now trying to have the coolest content.

3. Do you think there is a wrong way to promote yourself and your
Yes, I really get perturbed when someone doesn’t leave a comment about my post but only leaves a url for me to look at so I can subscribe to their page. It makes me feel that that they didn’t even look at my channel. That is so insincere to not even look at my post but you take the time to promote your blog for me to subscribe.

Another example is when you are in a community ( like Ning) where you have your own page and the guideline states please do not try to advertise unless you pay for a particular spot on the site and someone advertises by listing their  on their page anyway.  It goes against the rules of that community and that’s wrong.  If a person doesn’t want to follow by the rules then maybe they need to go to another community.

I think that we should be the same way with one subscriber as we would be with 6 million subscribers. Bon Jovi has over 6 million likes on its Facebook page.  Why you say? Because they post a lot of photos of the concerts , post previews of future concerts, they are very interactive with their fans and they promote things that they know their fans want to hear about. The focus should never change and if it does, I as a blogger and a reader of many blogs can loose interest quickly. I believe our blogs can grow but the heart and soul of why we started our blogs has to be there.

4. When is comes to others pushing their product what annoys you?
It annoys me when all they talk about is their product and nothing else.  I want to read more than giveaways and if you look at the code below you can get 10% off.  Now if I see a hair video on how to curl straight hair than having a code for a discount on the particular curling iron they used seems fitting because they want you to  be up to date on what products they are using to achieve this look. Also, I feel shallowness if all they want me to do is subscribe to their channel and there’s nothing else.

5. In Dressful’s post on this topic earlier in the week she said,
“It’s impossible to respect someone who wants all the attention, but
adds nothing worthwhile to the conversation.” Do you agree?
I agree 100% because you gotta be real and genuine. The content has to relate to readers or they will see right through it and not be there for long. I know that if the blog has nothing to offer the personality and genuineness is gone.

Natural and Free

It’s Friend Friday from Katy Rose of and we are discussing how natural are we and our we on this bandwagon. If you would like to see other bloggers posts please check her blog out.

1. The move to do away with soap, shampoo and deodorant has grown in popularity in the last year. What are your thoughts on this trend?In my opinion the “natural” trend has happened for the last two to three years.
When you say “natural” you really have to do some thorough research.
Brenda’s Organics

says that certified organic refers to agricultural products that have been grown and processed according to strict uniform standards, verified annually by independent state or private organization. Certification includes inspection of farm fields and processing facilities. Farm practices inspected include long term soil management, buffering between organic farms and any neighboring conventional farms, product labeling, and record keeping. Processing inspections include review of the facility’s cleaning and pest control methods, ingredient transportation and storage, and record keeping and audit control.
And one thing that I have found out is that certified organic does not mean that a product is 100% natural. All you have to do is look on the back of the product for the ingredients.  For example, Creme of Nature Lemongrass and Rosemary Leave-in Conditioner has certified natural ingredients in it but the product also contains Petrolatum and Lanolin.

WEN haircare

2. Be honest how often do you wash your own hair?
I wash my hair one to two times a week.  I have naturally curly hair and my hair would dry out if I washed my hair more than that. I do not wash my hair with shampoo every week.  I co wash using Wen Cleansing conditioner (my favs are Fig and lavender) or Hair One once a week and alternate with  Nexxus Shampoo and Conditioner or Ojon Tawaka cleanser and conditioner.
Here’s is a video from Chaz Dean and how to apply WEN.

3. Have you tried to go the more natural route by forgoing shampoo?What happened? Or would you be tempted to try it?
I am semi doing that now and actually my hair feels less stripped and I love it. I recently read in a magazine that you can use a cleansing conditioner but you need to make sure that you shampoo and/or clarify your hair the alternate week because you don’t want your hair to be too moisturized which is not a good thing because it can cause breakage and you want to make sure you get all the excess oil and product out of your hair. Some of these shampoos and conditioners are more expensive but they last a long time so it’s worth the money to me.

4. What products do you use and have you ever gone with more organic alternatives? I have switched 90% to natural products and it’s a great feeling.

Carol’s Daughter
Carol’s Daughter Mimosa Hair Honey- great moisturizer.

Marguerites magic for hair

Carol’s Daughter Marguerite’s Magic- great moisturizer for hair.

Carol’s Daughter hair elixer- great for scalp massages.

Kiehl’s Argan oil w Eucalyptus- great for hair, face and body.

Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate- smells good and feels great on the face and neck at bedtime.

100%Shea Butter- great for hair and body.

100% Unrefined coconut oil-great moisturizer for hair.

Ojon Reconstructor

Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment

Ojon reconstructor- great deep conditioner and has helped my hair in regards to strength and elasticity. Awesome product.

Giovanni Moisturizing shampoo and conditioner- this duo makes my hair so soft.

Giovanni Leave in Conditioner

Bee Mine Moisturizer- great moisturizer.

Bee Mine Curly Custard- this product has aloe vera in it and it’s great for getting rid of the frizzes in my hair.

Savannah Bee Blackberry lotion

Olivia hand soap that can also is soft enough to use on the face.

Burt Bees
Burt Bees Peppermint Foot lotion

Burt Bees Avocado Hair Treatment

Jane Carter Nourish and Shine- For hair and body and smells simply delish.

Hydra Silica Hair Nourishing Tea mist

Hairveda CoCasta Shikakai oilHairveda

Avosoya with Vitamin E

Bare Ecentuals
Bare Ecentuals Rare Minerals extra firming neck cream

Bare Ecentuals Rare Minerals face cream

Bare Ecentuals Prime Time PrimerBare Escentuals makeup

SoapsDr. Bonner’s Castille and Lavender Soap

Trader Joe’s natural soap Natural Deodorant

Deodorant-Tom’s no scent natural deodorant- can’t do without deodorant. There’s no way I can do that. Kudos to people who can but with the way I sweat during workouts and just me being me I can’t do that.

Tarte Amazonian Clay 6 piece Passport to the Amazon/brushes

tarte Amazonian Clay 6pc Passport to the Amazon w/ brushes- This is an awesome kit and I really enjoy wearing it. If I am on the run this kit can be put on so fast.

5. What about that daily shower?Would you forgo that opting to shower three times a week instead?

I really am a bath person, and I only shower when I have to wash my hair.  I love great smelling bath products but I really have to look at the ingredients because so many times I see sodium laurel sulfate so I use Nubian Heritage bath and shower wash.

TEN Random facts about me

1. I love being active in my church, so fulfilling. I recently started being involved in productions at church and it’s been a lot of work but a lot of fun. Just finished the last program for this year and ready to see what’s next.

2.I love to laugh and sing to the top of my lungs around the house (only for my hubby and doggies), working on playing the piano where I could play effortlessly. I listen to all kinds of music from classical to hip hop.
My favorite singer is Sade and my favorite band is Duran Duran.

3. I love perfume. I really don’t have a signature scent but some of my favorites: Lucky 6, JaDore, Vintage Soul Curve and Sunflowers.

j adore at

4. I love the outdoors, nature, love hiking, love to dance.

5. I love Italian food and sweet delicacies on occasion.

6. I work out like a fiend and love how it gives me that adrenaline rush.

7. I love to play games on the computer, tennis on the Wii, Dance Wii.

8. I love black and white movies and 19th century movies such as Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. What did you say Mr. Willoughby?

9. I love to garden, I started when I was in grad school and haven’t stopped since. I am not a master gardner but I can plant some pretty nice lantana’s and morning glories.

10. I love Christmas, it’s my favorite season. My mother loved to decorate and my Grandmother had no less than three trees in different rooms of her home.

One more added for good measure
I have to say I simply enjoy wearing purses and accessories. These items can make last years outfit look prime time.

Blogging and how my blog has evolved

This was a Friend Friday topic but I have been so busy that I was able to post it last Friday so here it is.  If you like to check out Friend Friday post stop by

1. How has your blog changed over the months/years you’ve been blogging?

My blog has blossomed from being about hair and hair reviews to cooking to fashion.  It has evolved, not saying that I will not do hair product reviews but it’s richer now.

2. What was one thing you did wrong in the beginning and how have you

changed that?

Adding music to my blog so when you clicked that’s the first thing you heard.  That was very distracting to the viewer of my blog.

3. When you visit a blog what’s the greatest turn off? The thing that

makes you close the tab?

If it’s a fashion blog it’s a turn off to see nudity on a blog.  I find this a turn off also when looking in fashion magazines.  I know that the photographer or whoever is trying to say its art, however we are talking about fashion apparel (pieces of fabric sewn together to create a garment to wear on the body). I am not going out with pants on and no shirt on top unless I want to get arrested. Enough said on that one. Also, if the blog is very dark in color where I find the content hard to read.  Lastly to many ads streaming on a blog can make it difficult to view and will be an automatic turn-off.

4. How did you find your voice?

I can truly say if I found my first voice by being a part of hair blogs.  It’s so much information out there on how to take care of your hair whether you’re relaxed or natural that you have to do your research to find out what’s best for you.  My fashion voice came from me going for my master’s of fashion merchandising, the classes just made my mind soar to fashion heights.

5. If you had three pieces of advice to give to a new blogger what

would those be?

  1. Be true to who you are and let your voice shine through to your blog.
  2. Keep your blog clean and easy to read.  Not a lot of prints without being able to read the content.
  3. Always treat people kind even the negative commenter(s) on your blog.

Friend Friday: Criticism

Happy Friday Everyone,

It’s been a busy week so I’m ready for the weekend and in time for a Friend Friday.
If you would like to join in the Friend Friday topic of the week please stop by Katy Rose’s website,

1. Do you allow comments on your blog? Why or why not?
I allow comments on my blog because I would like to read what people say about my post(s). I think sometimes maybe bloggers want privacy and if it’s a bad response they don’t want the whole world to see. And if you have to approve every comment well I cannot do that but it’s always a bloggers choice as to what they want to do with their site.

2. Do you think people who leave comments that are insincere are not
well-thought out? What’s the point?
I think the comments are well thought out and they are purely negative because constructive criticism is meant to make you notice something that a person may need to change or offer a suggestion not meant to completely badger the person until they have no self-esteem within themselves.

3. Would you ever leave a comment that could be considered negative?
I don’t want to hurt someones feelings so if I have something to say I always try to be uplifting and offer constructive criticism. To me if someone took the time to read my blog to make a negative comment they are contradicting themselves because my post intrigued them long enough to read all the way to the end. I go by the motto treat people how you would like to be treated.

4. Most people claim to like constructive criticism. Do you really and
how do you offer that kind of criticism to others?
It’s tough to hear the truth but it’s good. I can tell when someone puts a suggestion on my blog to help me out and not being derogatory or degrading. I know that I can always do something better or someone may have a good idea on what I would do differently. I truly appreciate people taking time to tell me what they think about a particular post or how I’m doing things on my blog.

5. Some bloggers don’t allow comments in order to cut down on
negativity. Do you think that is the way to go or are there other ways
to deal with the negative vibes?
I think that it depends on the blogger as to whether or not they want comments. Preventing comments means you will not have that much interaction with people who read your blog so that blog is not meant to be personable or interactive. Again, it’s the blogger’s choice, I cannot judge.

If I receive a negative comment I will respond back as positive as I can because I definitely do not want to feed into that spirit. I have a Youtube channel and I can tell when people are offering constructive criticism and those who are merely being negative and demeaning and I always have the option of blocking those people. For example, if someone says, “your eyes are big.” If there is no other response to the comment I may block them because what if my eyes are large, you mean you have nothing else to say. Interesting.

Friend Friday: Would I wear that?

 I have been so busy that I didn’t get a chance to get Friend Friday post up in time but I wanted to answer the questions and post them anyway.  Stop by Modlychic to go to links to read other bloggers posts.

1. What do you think are some of the top fashion don’ts? (Things you would never be caught dead in and cringe when other people wear them.)
Jodphurs: I had sewn a pair because I thought they looked so cool. Well lets just say after I tried them on I cut the poofy part of the fabric on the sides of the outer thigh off and made them into straight legs.

2. What previous fashion don’t do you now wear with pride?
I wear colored stockings with peep toe shoes in the Fall/Winter. Wearing stockings with open two shoes was a no no but now it’s very chic.

Christian Louboutin at Saks Fith Avenue

3. Do you think there is a universal fashion do?
Wearing the color pale blue lightens the complexion and makes a woman look more youthful. Another universal fashion do is scarves because they are not only to go around your neck before you put on your coat.

Do not be a carbon copy be yourself.  You only have one you so the be the best you can be.

4. What items lately, either recently in style or coming in now, do you think should never make it off the retail shelves?

Baby doll tops, I do not need to look bigger I want to look thin. I know a lot of people like those tops but for me I can’t wear them. I would have to work a belt with that top above because it would billow out to much.

5. In your opinion, is there any blogger, fashion icon, celebrity who some how manages to pull off some fashion don’ts and still look good?
Katy Perry somehow wheres some whacked out outfits and she doesn’t care what people think. She’s in great shape and smiles for the camera when they want to take her picture.
Not to many people can pull off a tree Christmas dress.
Katy Perry Fashion Designer

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