Bible Verse of the Day: 1 Peter 2:24 (NKJV)

Hello Wonderful People!

I pray your week has been great so far!
My wife and I are taking part in a 21 day fast with our church.
We are praying and fasting, believing God for supernatural breakthroughs in our life.

One area of our life in which we consistently have on our prayer agenda is for divine health and healing.

1 Peter 2:24 (NKJV) – via YouVersion

Everyday, in our prayer time, we confess healing scriptures over our life. We confess a long life, walking in total divine health and free of all sickness and disease. We confess this over our ourselves, our family and friends, and our doggies as well. We want anyone we know and love to live a long and abundant life.

One of those scriptures which we profess each day is 1 Peter 2:24. This is a foundational scripture that everyone needs to be confessing over their life. In this scripture, we see that Jesus Christ has already bore (taken) our sickness when he went to the cross for us. When He died on the cross, our sins were forgiven and our sicknesses were healed. We just stand in faith to receive it. We know that Jesus can and will heal any sickness or disease that Satan tries to use against us. We have seen many miraculous signs of healing in our life. And we know that many more miracles are our way.

If you are needing prayer in your life for healing, please let us know in the comment section below. We will stand in agreement with you for your complete healing and total restoration of your life; In Jesus Name.

Bible Verse of the Day: Proverbs 18:22

Hello Wonderful People!

This week my wife and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary.
18 wonderful years! Praise God!!

I am often reminded of this scripture in Proverbs, especially now as we remember our wedding. He who finds a wife, finds a good thing; and obtains favor from the Lord!

Proverbs 18:22 (NKJV) – created with YouVersion

When I found my wife, it definitely was a good thing and it changed my life forever. Before meeting my wife, I thought I was destined to be single and have a lonely and miserable life. Up to that time, that described my life precisely. But when she walked in my life, I began to see life differently and I felt it now had purpose. The joy that she brings me is because we share many things in common, including hiking, cooking, music and movies. I look forward to what each day has to offer because I know I have an amazing wife to share it with.

Because I have my wonderful wife, I can say that the favor of God is on my life. Before meeting her, I had no faith in God and doubted that He even loved me. Now, I know that God has great things planned for my life; and that He is blessing me everyday. His favor is upon my life; and I cannot thank Him enough.

Bible Verse of the Day: 1 John 1:9

Hello Wonderful People!

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I believe that there are certain Bible verses that every Christian needs to have memorized and be able to use on a daily basis. I consider these verses to be foundation scriptures for every day life. 1 John 1:9 is one of those verses.
Many people have the wrong idea about God and sin. They think that when they commit a sin, God is mad at them and that He will not forgive them. Other people think that the bigger the sin, the more you have to ask for forgiveness. When if you look 1 John 1:9 that the Grace of God shines brightly and His forgiveness is awesome

Let’s look at the verse in three parts:
1) If we confess our sins — First of all, we have to confess our sins to God. Anything that we have done wrong, we need to bring it to God and ask for His forgiveness. He can’t forgive us if we don’t ask.

2) He is faithful and just to forgive us — If we come to God asking Him to forgive us of the sin, He is so wonderful and awesome that He will must forgive us. No matter the situation or the reason for the sin, if we ask He will forgive us. It is wonderful thing to know that no matter how we mess, God loves us so much so much that we are forgiven.

3) And cleanses of all unrighteousness — Not only does God forgive us of the sin, the sin is wiped away and never to be remembered by Him again. Many times when we commit a sin, we are the ones who hold on to it and keep in our thoughts and in our memory. But what makes God so awesome is that He does not remember it. It is like it never happened. How awesome is that!

I believe that 1 John 1:9 is an important verse to meditate on when you think that you messed up so bad that there is no way that God would ever forgive you. Or if someone tells you that God is mad at you when have committed a sin. Just remember that if you have confessed the sin to God, it is forgiven, no matter the how little or how big; no matter situation. God Loves Us! God Is For Us! and God For Us!

Bible Verse of the Day: John 3:16-17 (NKJV)

Hello Wonderful People!

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Anyone knows John 3:16. It is probably the most widely known scripture in the Bible and is the the foundation of our Christian faith. You see it everywhere: on billboards, on business cards and at baseball games. But have you taken the time to read and study the scripture to know what it says. When you meditate on these words, you understand know how powerful God’s love for you really is. Yes, God loves you so much and that He loves the World so much that He gave us His son Jesus, to die on the cross. If we believe that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected, we shall have everlasting life. What an awesome thing!

When most people talk about John 3:16, they do not include verse 17 with it. But for me, I believe that verse 17 is just as important as verse 16. In verse 17, we learn that Jesus came into the save us and to bring us back into right standing with God. The story of Jesus and HIs ministry on the Earth was not here to condemn us or persecute us in any kind of way. Many people think that God does not love us if we have sinned against Him. But to the contrary, Jesus came into this World for everyone. Everyone has sinned in one way or another; and in need of redemption.

If you ever think that God does not love you for any reason, then all you need to do is meditate on John 3:16 and 17. Spend time in the presence of God and think about His love. Think about all that He has done for you. Think about His Son Jesus and the power of redemption through Him. Think and Know that God is Love. Jesus is Love. And God is for you.

Bible Verse of the Day: 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

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Fear is everyone. Evil happenings are all around us and people are more afraid than any point in history. Wars, and the rumors of wars, are being fought on every corner of the globe. Radical extremist groups are capturing, torturing and executing people in the name of their god. Mass shootings are terrorizing people in places once thought to be safe places.

People are paralyzed with fear to the point that it has overtaken their life. They don’t want to get on an airplane or go to the movies because they feel something bad is going to happen to them. They are suspicious of those who look like the people who are doing bad things to innocent people. They are afraid to step foot outside their home.

In 2 Timothy 1:7, we learn where about the root of that fear. It is an evil spirit that works with Satan to attack people. If fear can control someone to the point where it prevents them from doing something, Satan has won that battle. Soon, with more and more fear setting in, the less effective that person is. In this verse, we learn that spirit of fear is not from God. Instead God has given power, love and self-control; or as another version says, sound mind.

It does not have to be the evils of this world that brings fear into our life. It could be the fear of going to the doctor for regular checkups. It could be the fear of stepping out and pursuing a new career. It could be the fear of purchasing the new home of your dreams. If Satan can keep us bound up in fear, we won’t be able to move forward with our life and making the next step. We need to meditate on promises of God, instead of giving place to Satan and allowing him to control our thought process. It is time to break free from the bondage of fear and live the life that God has planned for us. We can’t take that first step forward if we are controlled by the fears. We are no longer a slave to fear, but you are a child of God.

This song from Bethel Music speaks so much to being free.

Your day of freedom is now!!

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