As soon as our parents start to reach a certain age, it’s all too easy to worry about their ailing health and fragility. So, there is no wonder that most people do all that they can to care for their elderly parents. However, if you do not live close to your parents, you might find that you start worrying about not being there for them. The distance could make it very difficult for you to help and support your parents, and you might struggle to get to them if there is ever an emergency. However, there are some things you can do to care for your parents from afar. Here are some tips.

Mommy Bernice.

Discuss The Situation With Your Siblings
If some of your siblings still live close to your parents, you should have a meeting with them to discuss the situation. One of your siblings might agree to take charge of your parents’ care schedule. As long as you know that your siblings have a good handle on things, you will be able to have more peace of mind while you are living away.

Arrange For In-Home Care
If your parents are still well enough to look after themselves in their own home, you might still want to arrange for some at home care agencies to call in to see them from time to time. That way, you know that there is always someone going into their home on a regular basis to ensure that they are OK. This also means that you parents will have a regular companion who they can chat with, which is especially important if one of your parents lives on their own.

Collect Important Contact Information
Even though you don’t live close to your parents, you should still make the effort to collect all of the usual important contact details for people who can help them. This should include phone numbers for their regular doctor, caregiver, and insurance company. It’s also a good idea to have the number for a neighbor or nearby friend who can quickly check in on your parents if you ever have reason to be worried.

Keep In Touch
Just because you can’t visit your parents regularly, there is no reason not to keep in contact! Calling them every other day gives them something to look forward to, and it will also calm your mind as you will be able to hear that they are well. It’s also worth using Skype and Facetime to keep in touch so that you can see as well as hear them!

Have An Emergency Plan
You always need to have an emergency plan in case anything goes wrong. This should include the quickest way for you to travel to your parents. You might also want to start saving for an emergency fund so that you can cover expensive airfare or train travel.

As you can see, caring for your elderly parents from afar doesn’t have to be too difficult. Keep these tips handy so that you always know your best options!

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