Hello Wonderful People!
This week my wife and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary.
18 wonderful years! Praise God!!
I am often reminded of this scripture in Proverbs, especially now as we remember our wedding. He who finds a wife, finds a good thing; and obtains favor from the Lord!

Proverbs 18:22 (NKJV) – created with YouVersion
When I found my wife, it definitely was a good thing and it changed my life forever. Before meeting my wife, I thought I was destined to be single and have a lonely and miserable life. Up to that time, that described my life precisely. But when she walked in my life, I began to see life differently and I felt it now had purpose. The joy that she brings me is because we share many things in common, including hiking, cooking, music and movies. I look forward to what each day has to offer because I know I have an amazing wife to share it with.
Because I have my wonderful wife, I can say that the favor of God is on my life. Before meeting her, I had no faith in God and doubted that He even loved me. Now, I know that God has great things planned for my life; and that He is blessing me everyday. His favor is upon my life; and I cannot thank Him enough.