Hello Wonderful People!

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Anyone knows John 3:16. It is probably the most widely known scripture in the Bible and is the the foundation of our Christian faith. You see it everywhere: on billboards, on business cards and at baseball games. But have you taken the time to read and study the scripture to know what it says. When you meditate on these words, you understand know how powerful God’s love for you really is. Yes, God loves you so much and that He loves the World so much that He gave us His son Jesus, to die on the cross. If we believe that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected, we shall have everlasting life. What an awesome thing!

When most people talk about John 3:16, they do not include verse 17 with it. But for me, I believe that verse 17 is just as important as verse 16. In verse 17, we learn that Jesus came into the save us and to bring us back into right standing with God. The story of Jesus and HIs ministry on the Earth was not here to condemn us or persecute us in any kind of way. Many people think that God does not love us if we have sinned against Him. But to the contrary, Jesus came into this World for everyone. Everyone has sinned in one way or another; and in need of redemption.

If you ever think that God does not love you for any reason, then all you need to do is meditate on John 3:16 and 17. Spend time in the presence of God and think about His love. Think about all that He has done for you. Think about His Son Jesus and the power of redemption through Him. Think and Know that God is Love. Jesus is Love. And God is for you.

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