Hello Wonderful People!

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I believe that there are certain Bible verses that every Christian needs to have memorized and be able to use on a daily basis. I consider these verses to be foundation scriptures for every day life. 1 John 1:9 is one of those verses.
Many people have the wrong idea about God and sin. They think that when they commit a sin, God is mad at them and that He will not forgive them. Other people think that the bigger the sin, the more you have to ask for forgiveness. When if you look 1 John 1:9 that the Grace of God shines brightly and His forgiveness is awesome
Let’s look at the verse in three parts:
1) If we confess our sins — First of all, we have to confess our sins to God. Anything that we have done wrong, we need to bring it to God and ask for His forgiveness. He can’t forgive us if we don’t ask.
2) He is faithful and just to forgive us — If we come to God asking Him to forgive us of the sin, He is so wonderful and awesome that He will must forgive us. No matter the situation or the reason for the sin, if we ask He will forgive us. It is wonderful thing to know that no matter how we mess, God loves us so much so much that we are forgiven.
3) And cleanses of all unrighteousness — Not only does God forgive us of the sin, the sin is wiped away and never to be remembered by Him again. Many times when we commit a sin, we are the ones who hold on to it and keep in our thoughts and in our memory. But what makes God so awesome is that He does not remember it. It is like it never happened. How awesome is that!
I believe that 1 John 1:9 is an important verse to meditate on when you think that you messed up so bad that there is no way that God would ever forgive you. Or if someone tells you that God is mad at you when have committed a sin. Just remember that if you have confessed the sin to God, it is forgiven, no matter the how little or how big; no matter situation. God Loves Us! God Is For Us! and God For Us!