Ciao Beautiful People,

Fall is in the air; leaves are falling, and a cool breeze is blowing in the wind. Welcome to the Autumn Leaves on a Tray virtual tour; please sit down, get a cup of hot tea, and make yourself at home.

glass pumpkins

Jorge Perez’s whimsical glass pumpkins

You ask what was the thought process behind the design.
I had so much fun putting this tray together. The design was inspired by Jorge Perez’s glass pumpkins that I purchased on SHOPHQ. These two glass pumpkins are so whimsical that the creative juices began to flow immediately. I used them as the centerpiece of my design. The metallic running through the pumpkins and the fluidity of the stem are gorgeous.

Being Thankful

Over the last few years, I have noticed that the trend has been encouraging words on different designs, although it’s a lifestyle.
What are you thankful for? What are you feeling grateful for?
When I see words such as blessed, grateful, and thankful, I review my gratitude journal to see what I have written over the last few years.
I recommend trying it for 30 days and seeing what it does for your mindset. I suggest that you write down three things you are grateful for each day. It has been a blessing to me. I change my focus on the good things in my life and not dwell on the not-so-good stuff. After 30 days, you may see the difference it is making in your life that you want to continue.

Full Tray design

All the other decorations are pieces I have collected throughout the years. It makes me feel good to incorporate vintage into my new design because I recall looking back at how I put each item. The short  B-roll video shows you the entire tray. In the design scheme, I added friendly critters because we have animals in our family.

Owl and Scarecrow

Owl and Scarecrow

My hubby and I were at Aldi not too long ago when I saw these cute critters on sale at a ridiculous price and excellent quality. I incorporated the owl, duck, and hedgehog into my design, and it worked well. These critters bring a new level of elegance to the overall layout and make me smile.

Full view of tray from above

Full view of the tray from above

Tip: Candles add warmth and comfort to a tray and a room. These candles are battery-operated and also a great find from Aldi.




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