Saving money is hard. We all know that! And there are a lot of tips you can invest in to start saving more money in all areas of your life, but what about doing a structural rework to ensure that your savings are steadily building as the months go on? You need a practical guide to follow, and that’s why this post is here! Here are the tips you need! 

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Have a Definite Goal
Having a rigid and definite goal to save for will always be the first step of building your savings. Once you know what you’re working towards, you know how much needs to be put away each month and what needs to change in your life concerning budgeting and expenses. 

So, maybe you want to buy a house soon? Well, before you can do that, you’ll need to get onto a site like Mortgage Quote to see how much you’ll be able to borrow, and then start saving up for the deposit amount you’ll be able to afford on top, which is usually between 5% and 20% of the property’s value. As long as you know what you’re saving for, you’ll be able to save for it! 

Follow a Savings Rule
A savings rule will help you rework your budget and ensure there’s always a sizable portion of your income going into a savings account. And there are many different savings rules out there, but you need to pick the one that works for you. You need to be able to follow it consistently every week or month, which means you might have to do a bit of experimenting right now. 

One of the most common is the 50/30/20, with the latter portion of 20% of your income going into savings. Another rule that many people like to follow is 70/20/10, with the middle 20% going into savings and the last 10% being either donated, invested, or used as disposable income. 

Make Your Expenses Work For You
We can’t do much about buying things, but you can make these expenses work harder for you. After all, there are many cashback options on the market right now, especially in the form of loyalty cards and rewards programs, and you should think about signing up for a few of them. 

This can be especially useful if you spend a lot of money on fuel; many gas stations have loyalty cards that allow you cashback on filling up, as well as long-term discounts per gallon. If you can spend and save simultaneously, there’s always something to go back into your account. 

If you want to build your savings, you need to think practically! You want to put as much away as possible without compromising on your lifestyle, and that means doing a bit of digging into your budget and genuinely knowing your money inside and out. 

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