Aging is a natural part of life, and it brings with it wisdom and experience. But who wouldn’t want to slow down the clock a little? Most life activities and decisions either slow down or accelerate the process. If you are among the many people who took to the FaceApp craze to see how old they look in a few years, then you are probably wondering how to prevent it from becoming a reality too quickly. Here are a few things you can do to avoid the early signs of aging. 

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Protect your skin
Indoor and outdoor air pollution both affect how rapidly skin ages. Particulate matter and gaseous chemicals such as nitrous oxide float in the air and induce skin hyperpigmentation. Some activities such as cooking with or using dirty fuel can cause wrinkles on your face and the back of your hands. Exposure to the sun can be good for increasing your vitamin D levels. However, it is vital to limit your exposure due to the delicate relationship between the sun and the skin. Too much sun exposure can harm your skin and cause premature aging. It can be helpful to take practical steps to protect your skin

Pay attention to your diet
A healthy diet is vital for various reasons. When you’re younger, you might not be concerned about what you eat as much, but as you get older, your nutritional demands vary. Health professionals have established a link between your nutrition and your skin. Poor dietary habits can cause acne and accelerated skin aging. However, this doesn’t suggest following strict nutritional restrictions or denying yourself your favorite foods. You can adjust your eating habits and consume a more balanced diet that includes nutrients to improve your skin. 

Prioritize your dental health
Several conditions have been associated with aging, including dry mouth, periodontitis, and root and coronal caries. Poor oral health can affect your ability to eat and chew some foods. Additionally, discomfort from poor oral health has been shown to disrupt sleep. It is advisable to brush twice daily, floss, and use mouthwash to remove any leftovers after these two oral care routines. Also, missing tooth gaps can trap food and bacteria, leading to gum diseases that may cause tooth loss. Fortunately, procedures such as dental implants can stop this to prevent facial sagging and premature aging. 

Get more night’s sleep
Sleep is critical for general health, and a lack of it can impact your appearance. According to research on the impact of sleep deprivation on facial appearance, sleep-deprived participants had more drooping eyelids, swollen eyes, dark circles under their eyes, red eyes, paler skin, and more wrinkles. Unfortunately, these are signs in aging people, so it is best to prioritize getting more night’s sleep. You want to follow CDC-recommended sleep suggestions and see a sleep specialist if you are clinically sleep deprived. 

While the above are a few ways to age gracefully, the list can be endless, so you want to consider which works best for you and make the needed changes.

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