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We live in an age of big events. This means that we can very easily overlook the simpler and little things in life. Whether it’s the return to normality or the big events in life like birthdays and Christmas, we can find that we overlook the importance of tiny things that will make a big difference. This is why we have to turn our attention to the smaller moments, but how can we make the most of the little things? 

Stop Thinking of the Small Things as a Cliché
We care about enjoying the little things as one of the most important rules of life, but some people think it’s a little bit on the silly side. To bypass this, we’ve got to get away from the cliches but think about the small things as a foundation to everything. One of the best ways to change our thinking is to realize what some of the little things about ourselves would do to us if we could change them for the better. Little things can be frustrating, for example, any little aesthetic quibble, but while you can easily fix your teeth with dental services, you can use the little things as a foundation to build yourself back up better. When you get rid of those little issues that frustrate you, all of a sudden, you’re going to have a far better baseline in which to operate. To get to this point, we’ve got to stay away from the small things being so cliched.

Stop Filling Your Life
If we want to have a better quality of life and actually make sure the little things make us happy, we’ve got to stop overloading our calendar. But this is something we’re all very guilty of, and when we start to fill up every part of our schedule, it stops us from paying attention to the smallest things in life. But you have got to ask yourself, if you are filling your life with things, whether it’s social functions, gifts, or just keeping yourself busy, what would happen if all of these things disappeared? Many people found themselves struggling because life stopped amidst the pandemic. But rather than trying to overfill your calendar again, perhaps go and find some equilibrium. 

Taking the Time to Be by Yourself
So many of us don’t like being on our own, which means we start to rely on others to give us our simulation. At the same time, you cannot underestimate your relationships and what they will bring to you. At the same time, you have to understand what being by yourself can do for your sense of self. When you start to be on your own and actually do it properly, without watching television and scrolling social media, you may realize that the small things in life are actually what will connect the dots. Whether it’s baking, reading, or just sitting there and noticing your thoughts, small things are what will make you happy.

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