Wave Bye-Bye to Breakouts

Breakouts. Nobody likes them, but unless you’re one of the lucky few who seem to have been blessed with perfect genes, they’re a part of life or are they? Although there is no 100 percent guaranteed way to ensure that you never get a breakout again, it’s fair to say that health and diet play a huge part in skin health and getting them under control could see you wave bye-bye to breakouts once and for all!

Sound good? Here are some simple things you can do to (hopefully) banish breakouts from your life:

Cleanse Gently
We all know that cleansing is a vital part of maintaining healthy, clear skin, but it’s important that you implement a gentle cleansing routine if you want to avoid breakouts. In fact, if you can, cleanse with natural ingredients like honey, water, and coconut oil to avoid damaging your skin. You should also aim to cleanse no more than twice a day because doing so any more than that could cause your skin to produce too much oil resulting in pimples.

Tone with Vinegar
Toning with apple cider vinegar every morning and just before bed will help your skin to maintain its natural pH levels, which means that it will be much healthier and less likely to suffer from breakouts. This works because apple cider vinegar is filled with potassium, magnesium and a number of other ingredients which fight bacteria on the skin.

Take L-Lysine
If you want to avoid breakouts, promote healthy glowing skin and stop cold sores from forming (if you’re susceptible to them) using l-lysine daily, in supplement form will really help you out. Studies have shown that the supplement is fantastic for curing and reducing the recurrence of cold sores rapidly and great at fighting acne. Some studies even suggest taking it regularly could reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, although more research needs to be done in that area.

Eat Healthy

As I mentioned earlier, healthy skin, at least in part, comes down to our diet. So, if you want to banish breakouts for good, you may need to clean up your diet. If you’re eating a lot of fatty junk foods and sugary snacks, these will be causing your insulin levels to spike, which really isn’t good for your skin. By cutting down on these foods and upping your intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens, you should notice your skin becoming brighter and clearer in a matter of weeks. Keep eating healthy, and it will stay that way.

Hydrate with Healing Face Masks
Hydration is very important to the skin, so as well as drinking plenty of water each day, you should ideally apply a healing face mask at least twice a week. If you can, making your own from natural ingredients like yogurt, avocados, and honey will get you the best results, but buying a store bought mask is better than not applying a mask at all.

Gentle Exfoliation
If you want to avoid blackheads and zits, then getting rid of your dead skin is a must. Exfoliating regularly will clear out your pores and expose your fresh, radiant skin, but you need to do it gently and not too often if you don’t want to damage your skin. Making your own exfoliator with brown sugar and coconut oil is a good way to minimize the impact of exfoliating, while maximizing its benefits. Unless you have very bad skin, exfoliating 2-3 times a week should be more than enough.

Treat with Tea Tree Oil
If, despite your best efforts, a spot does appear on your otherwise perfect skin, treating it with a few drops of tea tree oil mixed with a teaspoon of coconut or jojoba oil should see an instant improvement and get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

Banish Bacteria with Basil

Basil Oil — Image source

Both sweet and holy basil essential oils have been found to be effective at fighting acne that is caused by bacteria on the skin. In fact, it is better than most of the products you’ll find in the store. So, taking herbal basil tea daily, and perhaps even adding a few drops of the oil to your moisturizer (and you should moisturize twice daily for best results), might be enough to help you wave goodbye to your acne once and for all.

I hope some of these breakouts banishing tips work for you. Do let me know how effective they were if you try any of them for yourself.

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This is a collaborative post and may contain affiliate links.

Fund Your Dreams With These Money-Saving Tips

We all have goals and dreams. For our family, for us, for our friends. The problem is, it’s all good and well having the intention to do good things with your time, but the truth is: there is a price tag associated with making our dreams come true. Whether it’s finally getting the house you’ve always dreamed about, or traveling to some of the world’s best destinations, it’ll be an uphill battle to get the level of money we need. It’s not, however, impossible. Far from it, in fact. Below we offer 5 tips for putting more money in your pocket.

Fund Your Dreams With These Money-Saving Tips / Photo By JTwisdom

Money Out, Money In
There’s one very simple way to have more money. And that is: spend less of it. Easier said than done, of course. Instead of having a general ambition of spending less money, make it specific. For instance, if you’re going out for dinner or drinks once a week, think about making it once a month and then put the difference into a savings account. We’re all guilty of spending more money than we realize on the non-essentials. If we can take control of it, then we’ll be on the right path.

Slash the Household Bills
It’s our homes that end up costing us the biggest percentage of our monthly income. You won’t be able to eradicate these bills entirely, of course, but you can reduce that percentage. The key is to look at where the money is going. If you have an expensive cable bill or are using too much energy, then your bills will naturally be higher than if you lived without them. See where you can trim the fat and your savings account will grow faster than you realize.

Avoid Paying Top Dollar
Some things we simply have to buy, like new clothes, certain electrical items, and food. While you can’t avoid buying these things, you can help yourself by buying them in a smart way. Take a read of the 7 most important tips for couponing, and you’ll soon find that you’re spending much less on your groceries if you incorporate the tips into your shopping habits. If you need to buy clothes, wait until the end of season sales – the clothes are brand new, still in fashion, but will be a fraction of the cost. The same goes for electricals and the Thanksgiving/Christmas sales.

If you want to speed up having the money you need to reach your goal, then you might have to sell some of the stuff you already own. Have a walk through your home and see how many items you have that you no longer use. Once you’ve gathered up all the items, it’s time to start listing them on eBay and other online stores. You might have hundreds of dollars worth of goods just sitting there in your home!

Golden Rule: Think!
Finally, a key rule – think before you buy. If you’re conscious of the money you’re spending, you’ll be in a better position to say no and keep that money in your bank account.

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This is a collaborative post and may contain affiliate links.

Purchasing Elegant Eyewear From OTTICA

Hello Beautiful People,

Blessings to you, as always!

As many of you know, I wear contact lenses and glasses. I enjoy wearing contacts to make my eyes pop. When not wearing contacts, I am wearing my glasses to give my eyes a break. I want to make sure that my frames are just as stylish as my outfit and accessories. Usually with style comes an expensive price and that is even with vision insurance,so I am always looking for a good deal when it comes to eyeglasses.

My annual appointment to see the eye doctor was less than a month away when OTTICA asked to partner with our blog. OTTICA specializes in top-quality and affordability eyeglasses for men and women. To sweeten the deal, they offer first-time buyers a fifty percent savings on their first pair.

I really like how OTTICA set its standards for top-notch eyewear at a reasonable price that fits all budgets.
OTTICA says, “We don’t joke around when it comes to lenses: When you’ve crafted millions of lenses, as we have, you might say that it becomes second nature. However, just because it’s second nature doesn’t mean we take it for granted. We treat each and every lens with diligence — knowing that it provides you with the ability to see the world as it was meant to be seen; clear, in all its vivacity and in the highest definition.”

OTTICA sells its own brand of frames and offers many name brands that you are already familiar with — COACH,  Versace Tory Burch, Burberry, Ray Ban, and Michael Kors. Men’s and women’s frames are available in many fantastic designs and colors. Prescription sunglasses are also available to enhance your look. Or if you just want to wear the frames with no prescription, that is also an option.

Ordering glasses online maybe unfamiliar for some and and a few experience for others; but it shouldn’t be. The most important key is to make sure you get your annual eye checkup and get the prescription you need for glasses. You have the legal right to ask your ophthalmologist or optometrist to give you a written prescription for your new glasses.

I looked through the site and found a several pairs that I liked, including one from Coach that really intrigued me. I had to try these frames on – virtually, of course – to see how they looked on my face. With its ‘Try On’ feature, you can upload a photo of yourself to see how the frames would look on you. The photo below is of me trying on the Coach frames.

Eyeglass frames from Coach in Confetti

After I selected my frames, proceeded to check out. I uploaded my new prescription from my doctor. If you don’t have a written prescription, you can ask your doctor’s office to provide you with one. You also need to know your pupil distance (PD) for the frames to fit properly your face.  I didn’t include my PD on the order, however the average is 63 to 64. If you do not enter a PD with your order, the default number assigned to you is 63. Be sure to ask your doctor for your pupil distance when you have your annual checkup. After I uploaded my prescription, I selected my lenses package, which includes the features that I wanted to be included such as thickness of the lenses, antiglare, and UV protection. The are four options available and you select the option that works best for you.

I went through the last steps of check out and OTTICA offered half price on selected frames. I chose Burgundy June, seen below using the ‘Try On’ feature.

OTTICA kept me updated on the status of the order. I could go to the website and enter my order number to find out when my order was placed, when the glasses were in production, when it went to quality assurance for final inspection and when the glasses were shipped. It took only two week for the glasses arrive in my mailbox from the day they were ordered. Very good turn around time for two top-quality glasses with many extra features added on it.

I could not wait to open the box to see my stylish new glasses. The packaging is well done. The box included two pairs of eyeglasses with accompanying cases, a discount card good for my next purchase, and a cleaning cloth.



In a second post, I will unveil the eyeglasses and show how they look on me.

Stay tuned!

OTTICA offered Bubblingwitheleganceandgrace.com a discount to make a purchase from its website. However, all opinions and statements are my own honest and without bias.

Multitask While You Build Muscle: Do These Things During Your Workout

Working out and keeping fit can take up a lot of your time. Before you even start, you need to get dressed in the appropriate clothes and maybe even make your way to the gym. After, you need to have a shower and make yourself presentable again. It can leave you with little time to get important things done, or to do other things that you actually enjoy doing. Not to mention, sometimes your workouts can be incredibly boring. If you find yourself getting bored or distracted, or feeling like you should be doing something else, there are some ways you can multitask while you exercise.

Watch TV
Watching TV and movies might not always be intellectually stimulating, but it can be hard to find the time to do it when you have a busy life. If you’re exercising indoors, it’s the perfect time to binge a favorite show or watch the latest blockbuster movie. In fact, it can help to motivate you. Choosing a workout where you’re not moving around too much is a good idea. So go for spinning or perhaps a gentle jog. You’ll want a sturdy indoor bike, so read this Sunny Health and Fitness Pro Indoor Cycling Bike review to find an example of what you should be looking for. You can park in front of the TV or, with some models, put a tablet or laptop in front of you (if there’s a space for it).

Listen to Music, the Radio or Podcasts
It can be a little tough to watch TV while working out in some circumstances. If you’re moving around a lot, you’re not going to catch much of what you’re watching. And, of course, you can’t watch anything if you’re exercising outside. Listening to something instead is a good idea, although you still need to keep your wits about you if you’re jogging or cycling outdoors. Music, your favorite radio show or a podcast are all good things to listen to. They’ll keep you entertained, and it often helps you feel a bit less lonely when you’re working out on your own.

Listen to Music, the Radio or Podcasts

Have you got something to study for? Whether you’re working toward getting your degree or just doing a quick course for work, you need to put in the study time. If you’re smart about it, you can study while you exercise. As with watching TV, you’ll need to do something fairly static if you want to study from a book or maybe a video. But listening to study guides and aids can be useful too.

Get Errands and Daily Tasks Done
Everyone has things they need to do every day, from going to work and picking the kids up to going to the store. Since you have to do these things anyway, why not get in a workout while you do them? Commuting to work by bike or running to the store technically means you’re multitasking because you’re getting two things done at the same time.

Even if you’re busy, you can still find time to fit your workouts into your life. Double up on what you’re doing to get even more done.

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This is a collaborative post and may contain affiliate links.

Life Lessons From The Garden: Find What Brings You Joy

Hello Wonderful People!

I hope you having an awesome day!
Summertime is in full force with temperatures soaring into the mid-90s this weekend. Coupled with high humidity levels and it definitely is a good idea to be inside where it is cool. While my hubby and I have been staying inside whenever possible, we have also been heading outside to take care of our backyard tranquility. Owning your house means it’s good to keep the grass cut, the trees trimmed and we like to plant flowers. In the last couple of weeks while working outside, we have learned several valuable lessons. Not just about yard work and gardening; but about life in general. We wanted to share with you what we have learned about life, through our time working in the garden. We call it Life Lessons From The Garden. This is the first in those series of articles.

Flowers from the Garden / Photos by JTwisdom

I know what you are thinking. Why would I be working in the garden when it’s so hot and humid?
Ever since I was a little girl, I have spent many hours outside with my daddy, and now my hubby, taking care of our yard and the flowers. My mother would often have me outside trimming weeds, watering the plants or doing whatever she thought needed to be done. Through the years, what began as a chore has now blossomed into one of my passions, and brings me some of my greatest joys. I have grown to enjoy the time outside and I can truly say that it brings me peace. After a long day or week and needing some time to unwind and destress, I head outside to see what needs to be done. It lowers the blood pressure and the stress just melts away. Spending hours planting, watering, weeding and tending to the garden, and then seeing that flower show off its vibrant color or aromatic scent, the joy just builds up inside of me. I take breaks and drink plenty of water; but I still sweat. Coming inside to eat some delicious watermelon is always nice.

Getting my hands dirty in the garden.

The first lesson learned from our time in the garden — Find What Brings You Fun times.
For me, my number one Joy is Jesus, my LORD and SAVIOR! I can’t put anything before him, He makes it possible for me to enjoy my everyday life.
God gave me this passion for gardening.
It’s a lot of fun going to the gardening center with the hubby to purchase the flowers and plants.
For me, fun is deciding how to arrange them in the yard for the greatest display of color.
For me, fun is making sure to water, to weed an to manicure each day.
For me, fun is cutting a flower and bringing it in our home.
For me, fun is the flower’s aroma tickling my nose each time I get close it.

For you, what brings your fun times?
Maybe it is a walk in the park with your dog.
Maybe it is spending time with your family.
May it is reading a good book with a hot cup of tea.

It does not matter what it is. Once you experience that joy, you know you will want to keep it going. Take the time to find out where your joy comes from and be sure to do it as often as possible. When you have more joy in your heart, you become a happier person and being a happier person means you can enjoy more of what life has to offer.

Check back for more lessons learned from the garden. Until then, happy gardening! And be Joyful!