Be Encouraged with Lisa Bevere and ‘Without Rival’

Without Rival by Lisa Bevere

Hello Beautiful People,

Do you keep your emotions locked up on the inside? Do you feel like a failure every time you make a mistake?

With Lisa Bevere’s new book, Without Rival, she speaks to these issues that have trapped women for a long time. In her book, Bevere serves as an advocate for women. Through her encouraging words, she inspires women to be all that they can be by stretching them to do more and be more. Bevere herself reads the ChristianAudio version of the book. I enjoy an audiobook the most when the author reads the book because it provides a deeper and more personal connection to the author.

One quote from Lisa resonates with me — “The fact that if you failed doesn’t make you a failure.”

Matthew 25:13:30
“Not about our pace but about how we win the race.”

I agree that, as women, we have to remember we are not too old, too young, too experienced or too inexperienced. We have to watch what we say about ourselves because it is so easy to get caught in to that what everyone else says trap.

There are so many nuggets and even study questions after each chapter. I had to pause and repeat and pause again to get the questions all written down. I advise you to get a notebook so you can write down the questions and notes of what speaks to you.

It was also good to hear her speak about examples of how she is working on herself and talked about her personal struggles.

For example, whatever you do, don’t compare yourself with other people. It’s so easy to wish what someone else has or does for a living. You have heard this before, but the grass is not always greener on the other side. There may be some potholes in that yard.

“Comparison = refuge for the cowardly.”
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt

Lisa gives scriptural back up in this book, so it is not just your regular self-help handbook.

Another nugget from Lisa:
“Fame is not what makes someone a king.”

This book is full and deep with spiritual revelation. I recommend this book because it is just you and God working through these processes of really, looking at yourself. Each chapter is a Bible Study. This book makes you think and take a look at what really matters.

“Without God, we are nothing; but as we seek him, we find him.”

FTC Disclaimer:
ChristianAudio provided us with this audiobook as a free downloaded in exchange for writing this review. We received no monetary compensation for this review and all opinions and comments are our own.

Four Reasons Why You Need The iPhone 7

Hello Happy People!

Have you ever noticed that there are two types of smart phone users — iPhone users and everyone else. Since the beginning of smart phones, I have been a strong voice for the everyone else crowd. I was not a believer in the iPhone and all the hoopla surrounding it. That was until I had the opportunity to try the iPhone 7. Thanks to Verizon Wireless, we had the opportunity to demo the latest iPhone for thirty days and write this review. Here are four reasons why the next phone that I purchase for myself will be the iPhone.

The iPhone 7

  1. Improvements for the phone
    Apple consistently updates and upgrades its products to always give the latest and greatest technology. We demoed the iPhone 7, the latest in a long list of iPhones that have been on the market. With that commitment to improving its products, I give Apple high marks. One of the noticeable upgrades for the iPhone 7 over previous version is the inclusion of 3D Touch, which allows the user to touch the screen at different intensities for different results. For example, I could touch the screen to open an app, and if I touch lightly, I would open list of menu options for that app — a shortcut into the app’s most used features, for quicker access. As you can see in the photo below, I touch the icon for the Systems features and I was given a list of options to go to. This upgrade from previous versions of the iPhone makes my experience quicker and more productive. I have not seen this on any other smart phone on the market. The advance upgrades make Apple the leader in the industry.

    Using the 3D Touch feature on the iPhone 7

  2. Syncs with iCloud
    Since Apple makes a variety of products, you can use iCloud to make sure all of your these products work together and talk to each other. We already have a MacBook Pro computer and an iPad at home that use iCloud. When I would take a photo with the iPhone, it would instantly show in my iCloud photo library, which was then immediately available to be viewed on the computer and our iPad. All of the these technologies work together seamlessly with iCloud. Being able to go to makes me more organized and lets us be able to know where are photos are in one place.
  3. Photo and video quality
    We all want to capture those special moments of life with a photo or video, but your camera is nowhere near you. Chances are that your phone is in your pocket or in your purse. My experiences with smart phone cameras has been less than positive. The photo looks grainy if it is enlarged even a small amount, or the photo just doesn’t come out well in the first place. But with the iPhone, Apple uses a higher camera components and the outcome is sharper and clearer picture that can be enlarged with less distortion.
  4. Battery life
    One of the greatest features that the iPhone is its long-lasting battery. I could unplug the phone from the charger as I am leaving for work. And by the end of the work day, the battery would be at 87% charged or 92% charged, even with using the phone throughout the day for text messages, phone calls or checking Facebook. Not having to keep the phone attached to a charger while at work or in the vehicle is such a great thing. It truly makes a wireless phone a reality. My current phone and other ones in the past drain the battery so fast, and that is even if I am not using the phone that much.Apple provides an overall superior product that other companies are trying to catch up to. I owned several brands for my personal use and have reviewed several for this blog, but Apple is the industry leader. If you have never tried an iPhone and you are needing to upgrade your current phone, I would recommend switching to the iPhone. You will be amazed at the difference and you will not be disappointed.
    FTC Disclaimer:
    Verizon Wireless provided Bubbling and Elegance and Grace with the iPhone 7 for thirty days to write this review. At the end of the thirty days, we returned the phone back to Verizon. We did not receive any monetary compensation for this review. All opinions are our own.

Tackle Your Teeth: Because You Deserve To Smile

Smiling is one of life’s pleasures. If you’re feeling down, a smile can lift your mood. If you’re already happy, it can elevate you. Not to mention that it shows people your shining personality! We all warm more to someone when they’re smiling. Of course, some people don’t have smiley dispositions, and that’s fine. If you want to smile, but don’t, there may be an underlying problem. That’s right – we’re talking teeth! We all want to feel great about our appearance. But, many factors can stop us achieving that goal. Insecurity about our teeth is one of them. So, how can you overcome the fear and start smiling again?

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When there’s something we don’t like about our bodies, we can spend a lot of time avoiding it. But, if you don’t recognize what is you don’t like about your teeth, you won’t know how to fix them. When you’re home alone,stand in front of a mirror and give yourself a grin. Look carefully at your teeth. This may seem strange if you’ve never done it, but it’s important. Acknowledge your initial reaction. How do you feel about what you see? What is it that most puts you off about your teeth? Doing this also has the benefit of getting you used to seeing your teeth. With a bit of luck, you’ll realize they aren’t so bad after all. If you still can’t stand the sight of them, it’s time to take action.


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Dental work isn’t cheap. Even simple work can set you back a fair bit. That’s why it’s important you don’t jump into anything. Yes, you need to book an appointment with a dentist, like Dentist Oshawa. But, don’t follow what they suggest straight out. Listen to what they have to say, then talk about payment plans. It’s also worth looking into individual dental plans. These could make a huge difference. If none of this appeals, you could discuss pacing the work. Bear in mind, though, that it could be a while before you have a winning smile that way.

Whether you have work done straight away or not, it’s time to lose the shame you feel about your gnashers. If you’re having work incrementally, practice smiling anyway. You can rest easy that your teeth will be the way you want them soon. But, there’s no time like the present for perfecting your smile. Even if you’ve had all necessary work, you may find it hard to smile! Practice smiling in the mirror. Grow used to your teeth. Acknowledge, too, that no one will be as hard on your teeth as you!

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All that work will go to waste if you don’t stay on top of your dental hygiene. Get yourself a high-quality toothbrush, and make sure you brush at least twice a day. Invest, too, in flossing equipment. Food caught between teeth often causes problems! Keeping on top of things will avoid staining and further problems!

 FTC Disclaimer:
This is a collaborative post and may contain affiliate links.