We all are looking for software that will keep our computers clean and running smoothly. I recently was looking at a software website that makes your computers run like new, it is called Simplitec.com.

The software that I really like for our PC is Simplisafe; because it claims to that it will digitally delete your digital footprint.  That means that your cookies will not be tracked back to your computer to see where you are surfing on the internet.

Other Benefits from the Simplitec software

-defragment your files
-recover data, update your files
-delete internet history and cookies to protect your privacy

For secure software, visit Simplitec’s website because they are experienced and have been in business for 18 years. That is a long time for computer companies. When it comes to software for safety and making our computers run faster it can be tough; but with much research you can find the right one that suits your needs.

While I am on the subject of software and safety, I wanted to share some great tips on safety while shopping online.

For all sorts of software information and reviews CNET is a good resource. If I am unfamiliar with a particular software I always try to get an opinion on what experts say about it.

Recently, I was reading an article on CNET.com, How To Stay Safe When Security Shopping, and it had some really good tips such as changing your passwords and you can even have spaces between your passwords to make it more difficult for your password to be recognized. Another good tip was to make sure you logout of the internet web browser when you are done.

There are a lot of bad people that want to try to get your information so to have software that maximizes your computer experience is essential.



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