October is Bullying Prevention Month

I was reading Katherine’s story about bullying and her granddaughter dealing with bullying on  Katherine’s Corner. It made me think about one bullying memory.

To think that I post photographs of myself on my blog is a sheer miracle. Considering as a child I was shy and quite introverted;  and I was starting to figure out who I was as a person. First and foremost, what purpose God had for me to be here on this earth.  It was hard because I was always different and never fit in.

Bullying is such a terrible and emotional thing. As a child you really have to face your fears; and it can be tough to defeat it.  I remember when I was in the seventh grade and I left my jelly sandals (rubber sandals that was really popular in the 80s) outside after recess. I had to go back outside to get them.  Well, the eighth graders were outside and when they saw I was walking towards my sandals, they started throwing them around. I became quite frustrated because they would not give them back. I kept reaching as they were tossed in the air. Finally they dropped the shoes on the ground and kicked them out of the way. I had to fight back the tears because I couldn’t let them see me cry, I wouldn’t let them see me cry.  I ran over and got them and went back to class. I don’t think I told my parents about that because it was too embarrassing.

I tell this short  story not for you to feel sorry for me because situations like this made me stronger and tough.  But no one should have to deal with stuff like this. Being bullied is wrong and I know a lot of kids are going through a lot of similar situations. The last thing they need is for a another kid that they have to see everyday in school harassing them.

Now I say that is great being different; but when I was a child it seemed like fitting a square into a circle. My mother would always say, “Baby being different is a wonderful thing because God made only one you and you are special.” I cherish those words each and everyday.

This is an interesting video on how to prevent bullying in schools. What it appears that can be done to make bullying non existing in schools can very challenging. I think it is not only the school; but also the parents partnering, with the schools to make bullying non existent.



The word of God says in

Proverbs 23:7 NASB says For as a man thinks so is he (paraphrased).

Please realize that  if you are reading this and are being bullied or remember the past of being bullied; remember that you are special and God made only one you. You are BEAUTIFUL and don’t ever forget that!

If you are experiencing bullying, I pray that you are able to reach out to somebody that you can trust. Whether it is a parent, teacher, friend, or a best friend.   It is not easy but bullying has to stop and stop now. Bullying prevention starts with me.

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