Collage of Jewelry

Bracelet collage

Bracelet by Judith Ripka

Bracelets post linked to Bloggers Do It Better!

From Left to Right:
1.White watch-purchase from a cruise
Bracelet: Judith Ripka

2.Watch -Paris Hilton (Believe it)
Artisan crafted bracelet with gemstones

3. Watch – gift from a cruise
Ladybug bracelet – Joan Rivers
CZ Bracelet – Diamondnique

4. Watch- Adrian Arpel
Bracelets- Fashion shoe and dress charm bracelets

5.Charmin Charlie bracelet

6. Extasia glass Intaglia and Cameo bracelet
Ring – Robert Lee Morris

7. Kenneth J. Lane elephant bracelet
Watch -Eclissi

8. Italian Lire Charm Bracelet
Ring – Nolan Miller

9. Studio Barse turquoise bracelet
Ring -Nolan Miller

10. Floral Bracelet
Silver Flower Ring

11. Steel by Design bracelet

12. Bracelets, Taos Pueblo

13. Repeat of no#4

14. Sterling heart bracelet

15. Malachite bracelet with fashion crystal bracelet

16. Gold heart bracelet
Ring- Nolan Miller

17. Indian colorful bracelets from India
Ring Drusy in sterling silver

18. Repeat of no#5

I have always loved to mix and match bracelets and see how other people do it  because each person has their own individual spin on it. Loving the arm party!

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